What are mycotoxicosis?
The term mycotoxicosis has been defined as:
“ingestion of a fungal toxin” (Reiss et
al, 2012)
“mycotoxicoses are
examples of “poisoning by natural means” and thus are analogous to the pathologies
caused by exposure to pesticides or heavy metal residues” (Bennett
& Klich, 2003)
“Mycotoxicoses are the animal diseases caused by mycotoxins” (Bennett & Klich, 2003)
“Mycotoxicoses are diseases caused by mycotoxins, i.e. secondary metabolites of moulds”
Since molds can be
present without producing toxins, it is difficult to prove that a disease is a
mycotoxicosis and even when mycotoxins are detected, it is not easy to show
that they are the etiological agents in a given veterinary or human health
problem. However, there is sufficient evidence from animal models and human
epidemiological data to determine that mycotoxins represent an important danger
to human and animal health (Bennett & Klich, 2003).
What are mycotoxins?
All mycotoxins are
low-molecular-weight natural products (small molecules) produced as secondary
metabolites by filamentous fungi that are toxic at relatively low
concentrations. The term was coined in 1962 after an unusual veterinary crisis in
England, in which approximately 100,000 turkey poults died. The finding that this
mysterious turkey X disease was due to a peanut meal contaminated with
secondary metabolites from Aspergillus flavus, alerted scientists of
other possible occult deadly mold metabolites. There are about 300 to 400
compounds recognized as mycotoxins, of which approximately a dozen groups
regularly receive attention as threats to human and animal health (Bennett
& Klich, 2003). Compounds produced by different types of
fungus, belonging mainly to the Aspergillus, Penicillium and Fusarium genera.
Under favourable environmental conditions, when temperature and moisture are appropriate these fungi grow and can produce mycotoxins. They enter the
food chain through contaminated food and feed crops, especially cereals (efsa,
2015). Mycotoxins are produced optimally at 24-28°C. Temperature and water
activity affect contamination during storage allowing ecological succession of
different fungi (Breitenbach et al, 2002).
Symptoms of mycotoxicosis
The symptoms shown during cases of mycotoxicosis depend on several factors (Bennett & Klich, 2003):
The type of mycotoxin
The amount and
duration of the exposure
The age, health, and
sex of the exposed individual
Synergistic effects
like genetics, dietary status, and interactions with other toxic compounds
As many of the diseases that are caused by fungi, mycotoxicosis cannot be transmitted from person to person. The majority of
them are ingested in contaminated foods. Some other important
sources of exposure include skin contact with mold-infested substrates (cutaneous)
and inhalation of spore-borne toxins (Bennett & Klich 2003, Peraica et al
Except for supportive
therapy like diet and hydration, there are almost no treatments for mycotoxin
exposure (Bennett & Klich, 2003). There are
no specific antidotes for mycotoxins. To eliminate further exposure the source
of the toxin can be removed. Aluminosilicates have been used to effectively
prevent the absorption of some mycotoxins. Contaminated products can be
blended with unspoiled products to reduce the toxin concentration. Nevertheless,
it should be monitored by follow-up toxin analysis and there are cases in which it is not acceptable
by certain regulatory agencies (Merck, 2015).
Toxicology and Human Health
Mycotoxicoses, are
categorized as acute or chronic. Acute toxicity has a rapid onset and an
obvious toxic response, while chronic toxicity is characterized by low-dose
exposure over a long period of time, that can result in cancers or other
irreversible effects. The main human and veterinary health problems of
mycotoxin exposure are related to chronic exposure. However, the best-known
mycotoxin episodes are manifestations of acute effects, such as turkey X
syndrome, human ergotism, and stachybotryotoxicosis (Bennett & Klich, 2003).
Mycotoxins as carcinogens
Aflatoxin B1 is considered the most potent natural
carcinogen known and is usually the major aflatoxin produced by toxigenic
strains. The data on aflatoxin as a human carcinogen are more critical than the
data implicating it in acute human toxicities; there is no other natural
product for which the data on human carcinogenicity is so compelling (Bennett
& Klich 2003, FSA 2015).
The International
Agency for Research on Cancer has classified aflatoxin B1 as a group I carcinogen. Exposure to these
mycotoxins in the diet is considered an important risk factor for the
development of primary hepatocellular carcinoma, especially in individuals exposed
to hepatitis B. Several studies have linked aflatoxin consumption in the diet
to liver cancer incidence. The results have not been entirely consistent, and the
quantification of lifetime individual exposure to aflatoxin is particularly
difficult. An early epidemiological study of Dutch peanut processing workers
exposed to dust contaminated with aflatoxin B1 showed a correlation
between both respiratory cancer and total cancer in the exposed group in
comparison with unexposed cohorts. Aflatoxin has also shown to be a pulmonary
carcinogen in experimental animals (Bennett & Klich, 2003).
Incidence and Risk Factors
Mycotoxins are found
worldwide as contaminants of food. Several factors affect its occurrence:
geographic and seasonal factors, cultivation, harvesting, storage and
transportation practices. Mycotoxin contamination has been reported on cereal
plants, grasses and oilseed crops (Breitenbach et al, 2002). Mycotoxin exposure
is more likely to occur in areas of the world where there are poor methods of
food handling and storage, areas with malnutrition problems, and where few
regulations exist to protect exposed populations. Nevertheless, even in
developed countries, specific subgroups may be vulnerable to mycotoxin
exposure. For example, in the United States hispanic populations tend to consume
more corn products than the rest of the population, and inner city populations
are more likely to live in buildings that contain high levels of molds (Bennett
& Klich, 2003). Its prevalence and concentration are sporadic
and can vary annually, even in the same location. Production is affected by local
weather patterns, crop damage and production practices and can be produced
pre- or post-harvest (Iowa State University, 2015).
Characteristics of the most common genera that cause mycotoxicosis
The most commonly mycotoxin producer genera include: Fusarium, Aspergillus, and Penicillium.
Examples of Mycotoxicosis Outbreaks
In the
Middle Ages, outbreaks caused by ergot alkaloids from Claviceps purpurea mutilated and killed thousands of people in
Europe. Ergotism was known as ignis sacer (sacred fire) or St Anthony's fire,
because of the belief that a pilgrimage to the shrine of St Anthony would
relief from the intense burning sensation. Victims of ergotism were exposed to a
hallucinogen produced during the baking of bread made with ergot-contaminated
wheat (Peraica et al 1999, Pitt 1989). The initial symptoms of the gangrenous form
of ergotism are oedema of the legs, with severe pain. Paraesthesias are
followed by gangrene at the tendons, with painless demarcation. The last recorded
outbreak of gangrenous ergotism occurred in Ethiopia in 1978 where 140 people were affected and there was 34% mortality. The other type of ergotism is the
convulsive form, which is related to intoxication with clavine alkaloids from Claviceps fusiformis. The last outbreak
was characterized by gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting and giddiness)
followed by effects on the central nervous system (drowsiness, prolonged
sleepiness, twitching, convulsions, blindness and paralysis), it was seen in
1975 in India when 78 people were affected (Peraica et al, 1999).
Several outbreaks of aflatoxicosis have occurred in tropical countries (Peraica et
al, 1999). An example is the outbreak observed in eastern and central provinces of Kenya (districts of Makueni and
Kitui) between January and July 2004. A high case fatality rate resulted in 125 recognized deaths. It was confirmed that the outbreak was the
result of widespread aflatoxin contamination of locally grown maize that was
stored under damp conditions. There was an active survey on the number of cases
by date between those months, showing peaks in the months of May and June (CDC,
Economic consequences
Crops with large
amounts of mycotoxins often have to be destroyed. As an alternative,
contaminated crops are sometimes diverted into animal feed. But feeding
contaminated crops to susceptible animals can generate reduced growth rates,
illness, and death. Also, these animals can produce meat and milk that may contain
toxic residues and biotransformation products, it has been found that ochratoxin
in pig feed can accumulate in tissues (Bennett & Klich, 2003). Iowa State
University (2015) provides detailed information on recommended concentrations
of mycotoxins in animal feeds.
An important aspect
of the mycotoxin problem is the ability to diagnose and verify mycotoxicoses. Several
national and international organizations and agencies have special committees
and commissions that set recommended guidelines, develop standardized assay
protocols, and maintain up- to-date information on regulatory statutes (Bennett
& Klich, 2003). There are still some countries without regulations for mycotoxins (FAO, 2003).
Since it is
impracticable to prevent the production of mycotoxins, the food industry has
established internal monitoring methods. And government regulatory agencies
survey for the occurrence of mycotoxins in foods and establish regulatory
limits. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has
published a series of compendia summarizing worldwide regulations for
mycotoxins (Bennett & Klich, 2003).
Control, Detection and Screening of Mycotoxins
Methods for
controlling mycotoxins are largely preventive, including good agricultural
practice and sufficient drying of crops after harvest. There is on-going research
on methods to prevent preharvest contamination of crops, like developing host
resistance through plant breeding and enhancing antifungal genes by genetic
engineering, using biocontrol agents, and targeting regulatory genes in
mycotoxin development. But since mycotoxins are “natural” contaminants of
foods, their formation is often unavoidable (Bennett & Klich, 2003).
programs have been developed to diminish the risk of mycotoxin consumption by
humans and animals. Analytical techniques are used for characterization
and quantitation of mycotoxins including high-pressure liquid chromatography
(HPLC), thin layer chromatography (TLC), and gas chromatography (GC);
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and radioimmunoassay (RIA) tests are also available. Several commercial test kits are available for field testing
(Breitenbach et al, 2002).
Bennett, JW
& Klich, M. 2003. Mycotoxins. Clinical Microbiology Reviews (16): 3.
M; Crameri, R; Lehrer, S. 2002. Fungal allergy and pathogenicity. Karger
Medical and Scientific Publishers. Vol 81. 310p.
Centers for Disease Control
(CDC). 2004. Outbreak of Aflatoxin Poisoning-Eastern and Central Provinces,
Kenya, January-July 2004. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (53):34.
Ellis, D.
2015. Mycology Online. The University of Adelaine. Retrieved from http://www.mycology.adelaide.edu.au.
Food Safety Authority (efsa). 2015. Mycotoxins. Retrieved from http://www.efsa.europa.eu.
Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (FAO). 2003. Updates to FAO
Food and Nutrition Paper 64. Retrieved from http://www.fao.org/3/a-y5499e.pdf.
Standards Agency (FSA). 2015. Mycotoxins. Retrieved from http://www.food.gov.uk.
Iowa State
University. 2015. College of Veterinary Medicine: Mycotoxins. Retrieved from http://vetmed.iastate.edu.
Leslie, J;
Bandyopadhyay, R & Visconti, A. 2008. Mycotoxins: Detection methods,
management, public health and agricultural trade. CAB International. 476p.
2015. The Merck Veterinary Manual: Overview of mycotoxicoses. Retrieved from http://www.merckvetmanual.com.
M. Peraica,
B. Radić , A. Lucić , & M. Pavlović. 1999. Toxic effects of mycotoxins in
humans. Bulletin of the World Health Organization (77): 9. 754-766.
Pitt, J.
1989. Mycotoxin prevention and control in foodgrains: An introduction to
mycotoxins. A collaborative publication of the UNDP/FAO Regional Network
Inter-Country Cooperation on Preharvest Technology and quality Control of
Foodgrains (REGNET) and the ASEAN Grain Postharvest Programme. Bangkok,
Thailand. Retrieved from http://www.fao.org/docrep/x5036e/x5036E00.htm#Contents.
Reiss, E;
Shadomy, HJ & Lyon, GM. 2012. Fundamental Medical Mycology. Wiley-Blackwell.
Volk, T
& Hallen, H. 2005. Tom Volk's Fungus of the Month for August 2005. Gibberella zeae or Fusarium graminearum, head blight of wheat. Retrieved from http://botit.botany.wisc.edu.
World Health Organization (WHO). 2011. Mycotoxins:
Children's health and the environment. Retrieved from http://www.who.int/ceh/capacity/mycotoxins.pdf.
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